Thighplasty, also known as a thigh lift, is a cosmetic surgical procedure to tighten and improve the appearance of your thighs due to excess skin on your thighs that can be a result of aging, pregnancy, or a significant weight loss. Your thighs may look dimpled with sagging skin or have a flabby appearance. The goal of a thigh lift is to lift and contour your thighs so that they look slim and in proportion with the rest of your body. A combination of a Thighplasty and liposuction techniques may be performed to give the thighs a smoother, more toned appearance. People considering thigh lift surgery should know that it is not a surgical means of losing weight. It is a procedure for those who are close to their ideal weight but unhappy with the appearance of their thighs.

The Procedure

The procedure can take anywhere from three to five hours. It is usually done under general anesthesia on an outpatient basis. Scars are generally placed in area that can be hidden by clothing. In some circumstances, the inner thigh lift may require a vertical incision along the inner thigh for full correction.


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